Can I Get Cataract Surgery With Another Eye Condition?


Older man reading a book

Cataracts affect everyone at some point in their lives. Many people will also struggle with other eye conditions. From things like dry eye syndrome to more serious issues like glaucoma and macular degeneration, this is why you need to see your eye doctor regularly. About whether you can receive cataract surgery if you have another […]

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How Do You Prepare Before Having LASIK?


Young woman putting on makeup

Just because you think you are “ready” to have LASIK, doesn’t mean you are actually ready for the surgery itself. There are a lot of steps to take before you reach your goal of amazing vision. Keep reading for some tips on how to prepare before having LASIK! Take a Break From Contacts You will […]

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6 Signs Your Dry Eye Is Affecting Your Vision

General Eye Care

Woman rubbing her irritated eye

Dry eye is an all too common affliction that affects millions of people all over the world. Left unchecked, a simple case of dry eye can become worse. It can even eventually affect your eyesight. Here’s how you can tell if your dry eye has gotten worse. 1. Your Eyes are Extremely Watery As backward […]

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Why Won’t Insurance Normally Cover LASIK?


Hands money and calculator

LASIK is a fantastic procedure that changes lives by offering visual freedom. But the surgery is not considered to be a medical necessity, but rather elective. In most cases, LASIK will not be covered at all. This can make it difficult to afford the surgery for many. Though it can be hard to afford, LASIK […]

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What To Expect With Cataracts


Older couple outside

Cataracts are something that will affect everyone at some point. They are a natural part of life. Given a long enough life, everyone will experience them at some point to some degree. While that notion may seem upsetting, there is actually some good news. Due to their prevalence, cataracts are well understood and easier to […]

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Remember These 5 Things Preparing For LASIK


WOman outside in city winter time

Getting LASIK is not quite as easy as signing up for the procedure and coming into the office on time. You’ll need to do some homework ahead of time for a safe procedure with the best results. Here are a few of the most important things to keep in mind when you decide to go […]

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5 Signs You May Have Dry Eye

General Eye Care

Woman rubbing her irritated eyes

With a name like dry eye, it would seem like you only have dry eyes. But there’s a lot more to dry eye than having dry eyes. The disease can actually be tough to deal with and can become a big problem if left untreated. Keep reading for 5 signs that you may have dry […]

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When Do You Need To See A Cornea Specialist?


Eye examination in progress

Your cornea serves an important function for your vision. It is more than a transparent cover over your pupil. The cornea also handles almost three-quarters of your eye’s focusing power. Functional eyesight would not be possible without a cornea, which is why they need to be in good shape. Protecting your eyes with UV proof […]

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3 Tips For Your Best LASIK Recovery


Happy Couple

Your LASIK journey doesn’t end right after correcting your eyes. Your vision will start getting better soon after, but you will also begin your LASIK recovery. Luckily, recovery from LASIK is very straight forward! There are some things you should know before you get into it. Here are some ways to help ensure that you […]

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4 Tips For Dry Eye Management

General Eye Care

Woman adding eye drops

Living with dry eye can be a pain. Dry eye causes redness, swelling, itching, and irritation, as well as other symptoms. Left untreated, dry eye can become worse. It can even lead to permanent vision damage including corneal abrasions and ulcers. If you are currently suffering from dry eye, here are some tips to help […]

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