Can LASIK Correct Astigmatism? 


Astigmatism is a common vision problem that causes blurred or distorted vision. While glasses and contact lenses can correct astigmatism, LASIK laser eye surgery offers a more permanent solution for many people.  Keep reading to learn more about LASIK and how it can help correct astigmatism! What is Astigmatism? Astigmatism is a common refractive error […]

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If I Have Dry Eyes Should I Consider LASIK Surgery?


If your eyes always feel dry, irritated, or tired, you may have a common condition called dry eye disease. Millions of adults in the United States suffer from chronic dry eyes, which occurs when inadequate tear production or excessive evaporation upsets the balance of the tears on the eye’s surface.  Dryness disrupts healthy vision and […]

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Stop Compromising on Your Vision: Why LASIK is Worth It


Do you dream of waking up and being able to see clearly, ready to take on your day without visual limitations? If so, LASIK could be life-changing.  LASIK is a popular laser eye surgery that corrects nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism by reshaping the cornea. The key is taking that empowering first step to explore your […]

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What is the Difference Between LASIK and PRK? 


LASIK and PRK are both laser eye surgeries that can allow you to experience greater visual freedom, but there are some key differences between them. In LASIK, a thin flap is created on the cornea, whereas PRK involves removing the outer layer of the cornea.  This distinction affects the recovery time, as LASIK generally offers […]

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7 Reasons to Consider LASIK this Summer


As the warm weather approaches and the days grow longer, it’s the perfect time to think about how LASIK can enhance your summer experience. From the convenience of a glasses-free lifestyle to the freedom of enjoying outdoor activities without visual limitations, LASIK offers numerous benefits tailored to the summer season.  Keep reading to learn seven […]

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6 of the Millions of Reasons Why LASIK Improves the Holidays


Are you tired of the struggles glasses or contact lenses create in your life? Through LASIK, you can experience greater independence from these visual aids. There are many reasons to consider LASIK. Keep reading to learn six reasons why LASIK improves the holidays! 1. Better Vision for Seeing Decorations The impressive light displays during the […]

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How Do I Know If I’m A Suitable LASIK Candidate?


Happy young woman with coffee

Relying on corrective lenses to see with refractive errors can be a hassle. It can keep you from living life without limitations. Luckily, LASIK is a solution. LASIK is one of the safest elective procedures with impressive outcomes. It eliminates the need for contacts or glasses. While the benefits of LASIK are appealing, it isn’t […]

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Looking to Use Your Flex Dollars? Why Not Use Them on LASIK?


Happy couple outside in the winter with sparklers

Better eyesight can dramatically improve your quality of life. But insurance providers don’t consider vision correction procedures like LASIK medically necessary. As such, LASIK isn’t covered by most insurance plans. But did you know you can pay for LASIK with money set aside in your flexible spending account or FSA? Your flex spending dollars make […]

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3 Reasons LASIK Is A Great Choice For Fall


Man hiking in the mountains

Summer is coming to an end, and fall is on the way. Despite the changing of the seasons, fall can still bring new opportunities for growth and change. One of the best ways to improve your life is by improving your sight with LASIK. This autumn could be the perfect time to do just that! […]

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Should I Have PRK If I Don’t Qualify For LASIK?


Happy man

LASIK is the industry standard for vision correction, but it is not the answer for everyone. To receive LASIK, you need to meet some candidacy requirements. These criteria are in place to protect you. While the procedure is safe and simple, it still carries inherent risk. You must meet all the qualifications to reduce risk […]

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